The Kangyur is a series of scriptures consisting of the Tripitaka and the Four Classes of Tantras proclaimed by the Buddha Shakyamuni translated into Tibetan. It has a total of 104 or 108 volumes according to different sources. The Kangyur is a collection of instructions and philosophies that, if adhered to, is the wisdom that has the ability to help us dissolve and act as an antidote to all kleshas and karma and assist us in realizing our primordial nature.


In the 15th year of the Tibetan rabjung calendar, the iron monkey year (year 1920), Gochok Tulku Ngedon Tendzin Chokyi Wangpo, requested the 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso, to create a new version of the Kangyur according to the widely accepted contents of the Narthang, Gyaltse Thempangma and Dege version of the Kangyur. The hand-made woodblock printing plates were carved in Lhasa. Afterwards, with the support of Gyaltsab Radreng Rinpoche and the Dalai Lama’s brother, Kunga Wangchug, the work was continued and 100 volumes of wood-carved printing plates were completed in the 16th year of the Tibetan rabjung calendar, in the wood dog year (year 1934). The printing plates were later stored in the Library of Gangchen Phende Terdzod Ling at Zhol near the Potala Palace and called the Zhol or Lhasa Kangyur. 

Tsen Zhab Tagdrag Tulku Ngagwang Sungrab Thuthob Tenpa Gyaltsen and Tsen Zhab Tsatrul Ngawang Lobsang were responsible for proofreading this version of the Kangyur along with many great scholars. Further, these two scholars were responsible for creating the catalogue for this Kangyur, named “The wisdom like a magical key: the catalogue of the Tibetan translated teachings in Tibet of the great supreme master Shakyamuni Buddha.”

The Lhasa version of the Kangyur is arranged as follows:

  • There are 13 volumes on the Vinaya.
  • There are 16 volumes on the Prajnaparamita from the second turning of the wheel of dharma.
  • There are 3 volumes on the 25,000 verses of Prajnaparamita from the second turning of the wheel of dharma.
  • There is 1 volume on the 8,000 verses of Prajnaparamita from the second turning of the wheel of dharma.
  • There are 3 volumes on the 18,000 verses of Prajnaparamita from the second turning of the wheel of dharma.
  • There is 1 volume on the 10,000 verses of Prajnaparamita from the second turning of the wheel of dharma.
  • There is 1 volume on Miscellaneous verses of Prajnaparamita from the second turning of the wheel of dharma.
  • There are 6 volumes on the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra from the third turning of the wheel of dharma.
  • There are 6 volumes on the Avataṃsakasūtra from the third turning of the wheel of dharma.
  • There are a total of 32 volumes in the sūtra collection.
  • There are 2 volumes in the nirvana sūtra.
  • There are 21 volumes in the tantra collection.
  • There is 1 volume containing the catalogue.
  • There are a total of 100 volumes.